let’s break stereotypes together

  • I have one year left of my PhD!

    ⏱ One year left, the countdown is on ⏱ Just writing that makes me feel a little bit sick 😅 It’s honestly flown by, I can’t quite actually believe how fast it’s gone. I’ve grown so much as person since I started, I hardly recognise first year Beth. Throw in a global pandemic, two side…

  • PhD update: 4 months of 3rd year!

    Well, long time no speak! This year has kinda run away with itself already so I’ve got so much to update you on. First up, I submitted an abstract for two conferences which were both accepted (I couldn’t believe it). One was for a 3-minute impact statement style presentation, while the other was in the…

  • 2020: a year in review

    WHAT. A. YEAR! We friggin’ made it!! Little did we know what was around the corner when we blissfully stepped into the year 2020! This year has been difficult for everyone and it really just goes to show how resilient we are as humans. It has been tough. There have been tears, anxiousness, depression, you…

  • Beth talks blood: Part 8

    What is cardiovascular disease?Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a general term for conditions affecting the heart or blood vessels. It is typically associated with a build of fatty deposits inside blood vessels known as atherosclerosis and an increased risk of blood clots known as thrombosis [1-2]. It can also be associated with damage to arteries in…

  • Beth talks blood: part 7

    Blood & the immune system:The immune system is essential for our survival, without it our bodies would be open to attack from bacteria, viruses, parasites and more. It is made of up of organs, cells and chemicals that fight infection. It can distinguish our tissue from foreign tissue i.e. self from non-self. Dead and faulty…

  • Beth talks blood: part 6

    Let’s talk about fat… Fats that circulate in the blood are called lipids (fat-soluble components of living cells). Cholesterol and triglycerides are both lipids that have essential roles in the body but in excess they can be harmful [1-3].  What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is required to build cell walls and to produce hormones and vitamin…

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